Investigating Crime in High Places
The Investigative Reporter  

November 2003 Karen-lee Bixman
Copyright 2003 Karen-lee Bixman



The Global Fire Monitoring Center -
Eliminating Private Property Through the Use of Fire


"The Global Fire Monitoring Center is a facility with capabilities to systematically monitor, archive and distribute information on fire and related impacts at a global scale which serves a variety of purposes.  These include meeting the demands for information by scientists, land resources managers, the disaster mitigation, prevention and management community, policy makers and the general public.”


The Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC) Brochure
Freiburg University
Freiburg, Germany


The Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC), established in 1998, is sponsored by many private and international partners including:  the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Conservation Union (IUCN), and the World Bank. These organizations partner with the United Nations on issues of the environment, and adhere to Agenda 21 principles. While their purpose and intent may sound righteous, the underlying objective is to eliminate private property and remove people from the land. The GFMC is only one of a plethora of organizations created to mandate the concept of Sustainable Development as laid out in Agenda 21. If one is to understand the full dimension of this program, however, an understanding of Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development must be gained.


In 1992, the United States was one of 179 nations that met at the UN Conference on World Environment in Brazil. Two important documents were drafted at the conference, The Global Biodiversity Assessment (GBA) and Agenda 21, which ultimately seeks to return the United States to a pre-civilized environment.


Although the GBA was not ratified by Congress, the principles laid out in the document and the corresponding Agenda 21 are being put into practice today through various environmental mandates that call for "Sustainable Development."


Sustainable Development is an "Eco" buzzword that is nothing more than Communism cloaked in the veil of environmentalism. The end result of sustainable development is that every individual will share the riches of a nation in an equal manner. Sustainable development also puts great emphasis on the poor and third world developing nations.


"Poverty and environmental degradation are closely interrelated,” states Agenda 21. "While poverty results in certain kinds of environmental stress, the major cause of the continued deterioration of the global environment is the unattainable pattern of consumption and production particularly in industrialized countries, which is a matter of grave concern, aggravating poverty and imbalances.”


Following the 1992 UN Conference on World Environment, President Bill Clinton adopted the principles of Agenda 21 and established the President's Council on Sustainable Development.  The Council's report provides for domestic policy that can be integrated into policy to achieve "economic progress, environmental protection and social equity," [Social fairness, i.e.. Communism].  These three principles of economy, environment and equity are the foundation for Sustainable Development.  Sustainable Development seeks to, according to the report, restructure education by "providing lifelong learning opportunities, and creates Visioning Councils which limit urban sprawl, refurbishes land areas to be designed for pedestrian and bicycle traffic and makes use of rail corridors for inter-community travel [calls for the elimination of the automobile]. Private property should be managed for sustainability within the constraints of federal and community visions."  The report concludes that "individual freedom, private property rights, and national sovereignty are concepts recognized as obstacles to be modified or overcome.”


To help sell the American people on the Sustainable Development Concept, a massive education plan was launched using the principles laid out in Agenda 21: “The responsibility for bringing about changes lies with Governments in partnership with the private sector and local authorities, and in collaboration with national, regional and international authorities and in collaboration with national, regional and international organizations, including, in particular the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP), United Nations Development Program (UNDP), and the World Bank. Currently, the United States is enduring a radical sociological restructuring which includes land-use prohibition for ranching, agriculture and mining.  Residents living in rural areas are also increasingly losing the use of their land.   Existing roads and highways in rural areas are being eliminated so the land can then be returned to wilderness.  This habitat of plants and animals, forbid human inhabitancy or intrusion. Gradually, the population will be relocated into urban areas called "cooperation zones." The zones will be regional enclaves where people will live, work, and shop within the confines of their 'Eco-village’.”


Establishment of the GFMC


Following the seminar of the Forest, Fire and Global Change, held in Russia in 1996 an institution was established as the Global Fire Management Facility.  In 1998, the government of Germany, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, provided the initial funding and established the organization as The Global Fire Monitoring Center.


According to Agenda 21, "Environmental measures addressing transborder or global environmental problems, should, as far as possible, be based on international consensus.”


The GFMC fulfills this consensus as the center follows the "recommendations of the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO), the World Health Organization (WHO) and various scientific and policy conferences." Policies of the UNESCO, the World bank, Disaster Management Facility (DMF), and the World Conservation Union (IUCN), expressed by the co-sponsorship of these organizations; and the research agendas and co-sponsorship of international science programs devoted to Global Change Research: The International Geosphere-Biosphere Program (IGBP), the International Union of Forestry Research Organizations (IUFRO), and the International Boreal Forest Research Association (IBFRA)."


The GFMC website contains a, "fire documentation and information monitoring system.” 
The site offers:

  • "Early warning of fire danger
  • Near-real time monitoring of fire information
  • Archive  of global fire information
  • Facilitation of links between national and international institutions involved in fire research, development and policy development
  • Support of local, national and international entities to develop long-term strategies or policies for wildland fire management
  • Emergency hotline and liaison capabilities (restricted) for providing assistance for rapid assessment and decision support in response to wildland fire emergencies in conjunction with the UN.”


The strategies and policy development within the GFMC are not geared to preventing areas from burning, but instead are used to set policy over forest areas still inhabited by man with the ultimate goal of evicting him from the area. Through networking with different organizations, both private and public, "rewilding" can take place where the land is allowed to return to its "pre-human" state.  This is the unstated goal of Agenda 21 and has become the modus operandi of the global environmental contingent as expressed by John Davis, former editor of Wild Earth, and the official "voice" of The Wildlands Project. "Wilderness recovery must start now but continue indefinitely.  Does this mean that Wild Earth and the Wildlands project advocate the end of industrial civilization?  Most assuredly. Everything civilized must go.” Unfortunately, Davis is not seen as a radical within the environmental community.  His views are representative of major environmental organizations that not only provide funding for intense Washington lobbying within the US, but act as the consultative powerhouse for the United National Environmental Program (UNEP).  In 1968, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, Cultural Organization (UNESCO), passed resolution 1296 which granted consultative statues to 126 environmental groups who have drafted policy that later was adopted and promoted by the UN. 


Thus, the framers of Agenda 21, are already preparing a program for displaced individuals. "Policies and programs should be developed for handling the various types of migration that result from or induce environmental disruptions, with special attention to women, the poor and vulnerable groups.”


Property "takings" following "natural disasters" are taking place throughout the globe. Most recently, however, I have been alerted to the shenanigans carried out by the US Forest Service in regard to cabins located within the Angeles National Forest in Southern California.  An "alert" sent out by Chuck Cushman at the American Land Rights Association, , chronicles the proposed taking, of recreation cabins that were damaged during the Curve and Williams Fire in September 2002.   Cabin owners, whose dwellings were not destroyed in the fire, are also in jeopardy of losing their special use authorization permit (SUA). Cushman claims that if these takings are allowed to occur 15,000 cabin owners will be affected nationwide.


Sadly, over the past 25-years, "environmental law," has robbed landowners of their private property rights, and even more pressure is laid to bear if the property is located in a rural area.   Twenty-first century Americans now face the same dilemma that their colonial counterparts faced centuries ago and ultimately went to war with Great Britain.


In 1729, the British Parliament banned citizens of the new colonies from cutting down pine trees as pine was an excellent building material for the masts of the British naval ships.  Thus, the British claimed all the pine trees for the Crown.  Accosted by agents of the King, private mill owners were arrested, their saw mills destroyed and they were accused of chopping down the pine.  Colonists were evicted from their land, their timber seized; their houses burned and demolished.  Therefore, it was no coincidence that when patriots fought against the British army during the Revolution their flag bore the pine tree - a reminder of British tyranny.


Unfortunately, the US Forest Service has replaced those agents of the King, and has enveloped itself in global principles thus acting as a mouthpiece for the United Nations.


The US Forest Service, now collaborates with a number of  international partners which include: The United Nations (UN), UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD), UN Environmental Program (UNEP), UN General Assembly (UNGASS), UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), UN Framework on Climate Change (UNFCC), International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), and the World Bank, just to name a few. The USDA Forest Service states on their international page: "The USDA Forest Service International Programs promotes sustainable forests management and biodiversity conservation internationally.  By linking the skills of the field-based staff of the USDA Forest Service with partners overseas, the Agency can address the most critical forestry issues and concerns . . . Since international cooperation is necessary to sustain the ecological and commercial viability of global forest resources and to conserve biodiversity, most of our work is done in collaboration with other organizations.”


Accordingly, US agencies such as the US Forest Service, the Bureau of Land Management and the US Park Service, now partner with international bodies as well as the Global Fire Monitoring Center. These US agencies, can, in an emergency request assistance through the United Nations and the GFMC. "In case of a large wildland fire incident that threatens national resources and/or international interests and thus requires response by the international community, the country affected may call assistance through the Joint United Nations Environmental Program/UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Environmental Unit, Emergency Services Branch.”


Thus, when a fire emergency occurs, such as the Southern California fires of this past October, the fighting of the fire is directed, in part, by international bodies whose ultimate goal is not to "preserve homes," but to clear the land of man's influence.


Unfortunately, the United States has lost its sovereignty through adaptation of UN policy and treaties.  The average citizen has no idea this has occurred however, and does not realize that each UN agency has a mirrored image on the Federal, state and local levels.  For example, the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) mandates environmental programs on an international level, and the Federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), then directs the individual   state EPA to a particular course of action. In turn, the state dictates policy to the county and then to the cities. Thus, through this interconnecting web of agencies, Agenda 21 is also being enacted, on the state, county and city level.


The California Department of Forestry's California Fire Plan is one example of this enactment.  Emanating from an agency that is in charge of fighting forest fires in the state of California, this fire plan is rather unusual as it states that fire does not have a negative effect on habitat.  The plan asserts that it can be beneficial as native species can then replace species that were contributed by man. "The general societal and frequently institutional view that fire in all its forms and potential locations results in a wholly negative effect on wildfire is mistaken . . . A disturbance regime characteristic of the physical environment of California was present before influence by European man and created habitats in which plants and animals had to adapt and perpetuate their kind.  More recent and widespread influenced by society on the structure and composition of vegetation brought about by various types of disturbances or the lack of disturbances (e.g., development, timber harvest, fire control policies, and public attitudes toward fire) have influenced the distribution and abundance of many if not most wildfire species . . . Unnaturally frequent patterns of fire can overwhelm the inherent ability of many fire adapted species of plants to sustain themselves.  This result’s in type conversion to habitats adapted to a more frequent or intense fire regime (e.g., coastal sage scrub is converted to annual grassland). . .  California's Mediterranean plant communities, composed of many fire adapted species, depends on fire disturbances to perpetuate the type.  It follows that resource use by plant and wildlife species that make up these dynamic communities would exhibit adaptations consistent with periodic habitat disturbances.”


One can only speculate if thousands of acres in San Diego County were allowed to burn by the California Department of Forestry (CDF), in order to transfer these lands to perpetuate "fire adapted species." It can be concluded, however, that many landowners, who lost their homes in the fires will not be allowed to rebuild as environmental land-use policies will be put into effect.


Millions of words have been set on paper over the last 50 years that warned of a New World Order that would overtake America and destroy her freedoms and sovereignty.  Many have wondered when that day will occur, but have missed the fact that it already has occurred.  Through Agenda 21, and the myriad of UN agencies and its American counterparts, America has been robbed of its most precious freedom, the right to own land.


Therefore, the next time you see a forest fire, don't panic.  Just remember the Global Fire Monitoring Center (Big Brother) is on the job, and "watching out for YOUR interests."


God Bless You All,
Until Next Month,


Karen-lee Bixman
Publisher, The Investigative Reporter


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My thanks to radio talk show host Chris Gerner for alerting me to the existence of The Global Fire Monitoring Center. Information on the GFMC can be linked through Gerner's website at: .


Portions of the above story were extracted from the following articles previously written by Karen-lee Bixman: Protecting the Ecosystem: An Inventive Way to Eliminate our Border and Our Country, The Investigative Reporter, January 1997. Environmental Assault: The Restructuring of the American Lifestyle, The Investigative Reporter, May-June 1997, and The Sagebrush Rebellion.




1. The Global Fire Monitoring Center Background Information, 


2. USDA Forest Service International Programs,


3. Emergency Assistance through the United Nations and the GFMC,


4. California Fire Plan, California Department of Forestry,